Archivi autore: violet

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

At the moment the United Kingdom is celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee, that is 60 years of her reign.  Celebrations have started at the beginning of this year but they have reached their peak the last 2nd June and will … Continua a leggere

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Les expressions françaises avec les couleurs.

Voici quelques expressions idiomatiques avec les couleurs et leurs explication en italien: Être blanc comme neige: essere innocente Connu comme le loup blanc: essere molto conosciuto La nuit, tous les chats sont gris: è facile sbagliarsi in una situazione difficile … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in France, Locutions | 2 commenti

Quotations on stereotypes.

“I imagine hell like this: Italian punctuality, German humour and English wine.” -Peter Ustinov- “Americans are a lot more open, of course. There’s something more declamatory in the way you express emotions. It’s a stereotype but it’s true. British people … Continua a leggere

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Le verlan.

Le verlan est une forme d’argot français très utilisé, de nos jours, par les jeunes. Il consiste en l’inversion des syllabes d’un mot, comme le prouve le nom même de ce phénomène: c’est en inversant les syllabes de la locution … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in France, La langue française | 1 commento

The tradition of drinking tea in Britain.

The British are the major consumers of tea in the world, but this beverage appeared in England only in the mid 17th century. The first tea’s importers from Asia were the Portuguese and the Dutch in 1610. Tea became very … Continua a leggere

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Les Français et les langues étrangères.

En général les Français ne sont pas considérés très doués pour l’apprentissage des langues étrangères. Selon une étude réalisée par l’Union Européenne, 41% des Français ne parlent aucune langue étrangère, tandis que 28% de la population de l’UE en parle … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in France, La langue française | 8 commenti

Italiani, popolo di ritardari!

L’opinione che gli italiani siano sempre in ritardo mette d’accordo tutte le culture straniere; gli abitanti del Belpaese sono infatti universalmente riconosciuti come ritardari cronici in qualsiasi situazione. Questa credenza è diventata oggetto di studio di numerose ricerche italiane e … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Italia, Stereotipi | Lascia un commento

The British sense of humour.

The British sense of humour is well-known all over the world, but it is difficult to define it precisely because it concerns several domains of life. It is based on social norms, English culture and linguistic creativity. It contains self-irony, … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Sense of humour, U.K. and U.S.A. | Contrassegnato | Lascia un commento